ALAGANO, ROBELYN FARINASさん 公開日  :  2018-10-22

Nara ISC/ 国際戦略センター(@奈良教育大学)

【2017年~2018年 教員研修留学生プログラム】

教員研修留学生として本学で研修を受けた、ALAGANO, ROBELYN FARINASさんから帰国後の活躍の様子と留学中の振り返りが届きました。

Name of School: Miriam College High School

Current life as a teacher

After finishing the MEXT Scholarship Program, I countinued my work as a math teacher in my previous school.
I am currently teaching two year levels in Senior High School, Grade 11(Business Math and Statistics) and Grade 12(Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus).
I am also a homeroom adviser of a class in Grade 12.

Significance of participation in the program at NUE

It feels just yesterday when I applied as a MEXT Scholar. Time files really fast. It was a privilege to receive an education from a country such as Japan. There are so many things I learned with the guidance of all professors. I must admit it was difficult because of the language barrier, but everyone's kindness and assistance mattered a lot. Lesson study, problem solving approach, promoting mathematical thinking among students, etc. are just some of the things I found really remarkable. One of the most important things I realized through classroom observations and school visits is the importance of dedication and hard work. In Japan, every lesson, text book, even the smallest furniture and equipment inside the classroom, is a product of careful planning and hard work. All of these learnings motivate me to exert extra effort to continuously improve myself in different aspects of teaching: content, teaching materials, delivery of instruction and assessment. To create something of quality, one must not only focus on what is fundamental but there must be an effort to make sure that even the smallest details function efficiently.

When I returned to the Philippines, I registered as a member of PHILJAMES(Philippine Association of Japanese Government Scholars). I would like to take part in fostering better relations between the Filipino and the Japanese people by promoting intercultural awareness, by supporting international partnerships especially in education, and by participating in the programs of the organization.

Mirian College High Schoolの様子

I delivered my speech as a new member of Philippine Association of Japanese Government Scholars (PHILAJAMES) when I came back to the Philippines.

Memory of my stay in NARA

I learned a lot about the Japanese culture through bus trips and study tours organized by the Nara University of Education and the Nara Prefecture Salon International Exchange. I was able to immerse and learn more about the Japanese daily life when I stayed with a Japanese family through the homestay program. I am also grateful to be able to participate in different festivals which I know I won't be able to do if I am just a mere tourist in Japan.

I will never forget my everyday life in the NUE dormitory. I love Nara because I am a nature lover. Living in Nara is so peaceful and quiet. It was really great to be able to jog around Nara Park(I so miss the deers) or to climb Mt.Wakakusa any time. I miss walking around Nara Park or climbing Mt.Wakakusa with some of my friends in the dormitory. We love "sampo/undou" so whenever we needed to buy groceries, we would just walk even if the supermarket is about 25minute walk from the dormitory.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to MEXT, the Japanese Government, and the Japanese Embassy of the Philippines. I am grateful to be given the oppotunity to take part and be directly involved in the rich culture and education of Japan. It made me see things in a different perspective. Truly, all these experiences have made an impact on my life.


カテゴリ   :   教員研修留学生 , 卒業生
最終更新 : 2022-02-25 11:57